Monday, February 16, 2015


february is half gone!
can you even believe it?
dad once told me,
"if you're exhausted that means you're growing."
well this week was a week of GROWTH for sure.
seriously... it was one of the hardest weeks I've had in a long time.
and it completely blind sided me.
buuuuuut the Lord needed to teach me a lesson.
and i am GRATEFUL.
i have gained SUCH a testimony of God's priesthood power.
this transfer has been so hard for me.
having to sign up for BYU classes, figure out housing, future plans, etc.
took my head outta the work and THAT, coupled with complete exhaustion...
no bueno.
and this week it just all piled up.
we "walked and walked and walked and walked" this week. (*pioneer primary song)
seriously. MILES of walking.
lists of people to visit.
aaaaaaaaaaaand NO ONE was interested or ready for the gospel.
or they all were SICK. #fluseason! ;lakjdfs;lkj
BUT two weeks ago,
I was preparing for a talk that I had to give in sacrament meeting...
my topic was "eternal life"...
so naturally I turned to all my conference ensigns and starting reading talks on the subject...
one article was titled
"This Is My Work and Glory"
thiiiiiinking it was talking about eternal life
("for behold, this is my work and my glory- to bring about the immortality and eternal life of man.")
I read it....& come to find out...
the title is somewhat misleading
(but I feel like that misleading title was just for me...)
because really it talked all about the Priesthood.
and this is what got me:
"The same priesthood power that created worlds, galaxies, and the universe can and should be part of our lives to succor, strengthen, and bless our families, our friends, and our neighbors- In other words, to do the things the Savior would do if He were ministering among us today." - Elder M. Russell Ballard
the minute I read that,
I felt prompted to get a blessing.
BUT being the independent spirit I am,
I procrastinated, thinking I could do it on my own.
then... this week happened
and I finally came to realize
and the Lord never intended us to.
the priesthood wasn't just restored
to bless our lives with saving ordinances...
yesterday, as soon as I received that blessing,
it was as though this "burden" had been lifted-
i felt lighter, and happier...
the sunshine broke through.
i felt LIKE ME, again...!! (#halle-freakin-lujah)
all because I finally asked for Divine help.
And then to look back..
the inspired Bishop who asked us to speak...
the topic I was assigned (it was different then my companion's)...
the misleading title that caught my attention...
the words of prophets that touched my heart...
this HORRIBLE week of pure rejection (haha)....
then the incredible peace that was restored through a priesthood blessing.
i love the priesthood.
i know it's been restored.
i'm so grateful for this experience that has strengthened my testimony.
we aren't meant to do this whole MORTALITY THING, alone, people.
I know God lives.
I know He loves us.
He is in the details...
sending us love notes all day.
love you loads.
we got help, ya'll.
(me and meyer dyin in burley)
sister ramsey

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