...but you can't take Burley outta me! I can't believe this trasfer is already over! 6 weeks SAY WHAT? Suunday night we got a call about transfers and I honestly did not believe that anything was changing in our companionship. Sister Wrist isn't even done trainnnnning me. So when they told me I was leaving.... HEART BROKEN. I love Burley so much and I feel like Sister Wright and I are just really getting the ball rolling. We finally have names down, and where everyone lives, and their callings.... we've figured out our strengths and weaknesses and how each other teaches and this week we had all these goals of really trying to perfect that! Not to mention all the people we are teaching that I LOVE. Ugh. The only thing I know is that this must be inspired because it just isn't logical to switch us up yet. Haha I'm trying to hone in my inner-Nephi and think "I'll go and do..." buuuuuut I just don't want to leave! Hopefully I'll just move somewhere else in Burley haha.
Aaaaanyways this week was really great! Missed you guys yesterday on e-mail, but it was Veteran's Day so everythang was shut down in town. This week I met so many wonderful people! Me and Sister Wright did some "spirit tracting" haha meaning basically we were livin on a prayer and trusting our promptings! And it was AWESOME. We have met so many incredible people and had some really good conversations about life/ the Gospel.
This week we finally made contact with this lady named Molly, who we have been trying to see for the last month. We've made countless stops by her house and she has never been home, so this week we stopped by and again, no luck. But then we had a prompting to just write her a note, so we walked down to the street light so we could see and wrote her a quick message and planned to leave her with our number. But then as we were walking back towards her house, we saw HER GARAGE DOOR CLOSING. You know in the movie, Disturbia, when Shia see's his neighbor's car and that it has the big dent and that he's the killer or whatever and the garage door is shutting??? THAT'S WHAT IT WAS LIKE. Sister Wright and I just stopped in our tracks and looked at each other like whaaaaaat?!! Hahaha I felt like we were stalking her in that moment, but it's fiiiiine! We just starting laughing and realized it wasn't about the note... it was about waiting five more minutes so that Molly could get home. I love the way the Lord works! We knocked on her door and two of her little girls darted out the door and gave me the biggest hug! They asked me who I was and why I was there and just kept giving me so much love! I squatted down next to them and they about knocked me over! Haha, they were hanging onto my neck and picking up their feet for me to hold them and I was laughing so hard. They are 4 and 3 years old and just the cutestgirls ever. It seriously made me so happy... I felt like they were hugs from Heaven and it was the best. We met with Molly later in the week and she wants to take the lessons and start coming to church and she seriously is the cutest mom ever. We are going back to see them tonight and I CANT WAIT. I'm so bummed I'm getting transferred because I already love them so much and they don't even know it yet!
Then this weekend, RICK AND HEATHER GOT MARRIED!! And then RICK GOT BAPTIZED! Ah, Saturday was such a perfect day. It was filled with lots of service, and wedding set up, good company, and my favorite events. I'm a sucker for love and Rick and Heather were so cute. The bishop married them and they were so happy. They just couldn't wipe the smile off of their faces and it was such a beautiful ceremony. We had desserts and such after and then headed into the Chapel for the baptismal service. The spirit just filled the room and it was so awesome to see Rick and Heather's family get a little closer to their eternity together! They plan to be sealed in a year's time and can't wait to go to the temple. This gospel truly blesses families and I'm so grateful to be sealed to mine!
Speaaaaaking of.... AUNT BECKY. My dad told me about you receiving your endowments and it just put me into tears!!! I am so happy for you and proud of how far you have come and wish I could be there. I love the temple so much. Please let me know how your expereience goes! All this being on a mission and teaching other people about the gospel and blessings of the temple, reaffirms to me that there is nothing more I want than for all of my family and people that I love to receive those blessings! We are in this together. F O R E V E R #sandlot #yourekillinmesmalls
Speaking of Sandlot... we had the best game of softball yesterday with our whole district. Haha it was so much fun!!! And more than anything it made me miss our big family softball games and being at the field.
Well I love you all SO MUCH. Today will be full of lessons and goodbyes that I'm not looking forward to. Sunday, we were having dinner at Jenna's house (the little girl who was baptized last month) and that's when we found out about transfers. She offered to hide me in her basement and smuggle food to me and tell anyone who came looking for me she hadn't seen me.. lawls she's blind. hahaha #punny
AND I'm fiiiinally getting my ride in the Winmills new car tonight. HAHAHA new camaro. still funny. Saying bye to them will definitley be the hardest. Sunday FHE at their house was a bawl fest and I felt like I was back at home saying goodbye. I can't wait for you guys to meet them.. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. I can't wait though, till I get to see them post mission and we can give legal hugs and watch a ball game together. Haha and I introduce Ty and Brooke because I've decided they are getting married. #weddingplanner #iAmJLO
also I love that everyone uses XOXO now.
hugs and kisses snitches
sister ramZ
Sister Wright and I #idahosunsets
Me and the Winmills AKA my second family
Rick and Heather !!
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